Rabu, 1 Mei 2019



Have you wanted to slap a young person in the back of the head for being unaware about not only his or her surroundings, but also about the entire world? Many times while I was travelling by train, I saw a young man or a young woman playing with their cellphone who sits quietly on a chair reserved for the elderly while an old lady is standing beside them. I have seen other instances in various other locations all over the country. It is undeniable. Young people, the youth of today, have no idea how to be socially responsible.

There are many reasons why this is the case today. Firstly, young people are not taught to be respectful of their elders. The youth today do not respect their elders as the older generation were taught. There are many cases of bad discipline in schools and in universities in the 2010s compare to an earlier time, for example before 1999. For example, there are cases where parents attack the teacher if the teacher scolds their children. When these children grow into young adults, they would have little respect for their elders because of this.

Secondly, young people are always looking at their cellphones. In the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, cellular phones were either non-existent or very rare. In those days, everyone talked to each other. They socialised with each other. They knew each others' cause of happiness and sadness. With this they could communicate and socialise better with their family and friends. Even at the dinner table, the youth of today are ignoring their parents and 
only looking at their phones. This is also a reason why their social skills suffer.
Finally, young people do not even know what activities or programmes they could join to help their community in being more socially responsible. They would only stay at home to play with their phones or hang out on the internet. They only want to gossip at social media websites or learn about their favourite celebrities. If you asked them to list out any socially responsible activities and methods to help these programmes, they would have no idea.

To sum up, the youth of today are not socially responsible because of many reasons, not the least of all, lack of respect for their elders, overuse of cellphones and unaware of any community social responsibility activities. If we do not change how our young adults think and work, how will we as a country grow and advance to greater heights?

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